Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 3: The River Runs

Spring time offers many changes, one such change is to the waterways all around us. The hot spring sun breaks open the frozen lakes, streams, and rivers that have been dormant all winter. The runoff from the mountains, raising the water levels. The ice melting, opening up the fresh water to the blue skies. The new life the water brings all across Canada.
With the sun shining on the water and the ice dripping into the river it is a tranquil sound that should not be missed this spring.
Worret Photography

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 2: Horsing around

Day 2
The second day.
It has arrived and I am still blogging about... Spring time. I was on the long arduous drive home and I raced by a sure fire sign of spring. The drive home takes me  through the T`su Tina Reserve, on this reserve they have a herd of wild horses. Spring time is upon us. 
Worret photography

Day or rather night one.

Here is the plan. I am going to blog a picture each day for a month. It won`t be just any picture, nope. It must be a picture that I have taken on the blogging day in question. Each week I will pick a theme, be it animals, people, nature, cars, buildings, skies, really anything. But I will take photos of said topic, posting one picture a day.
My adventure in blogging will start right away and since Spring has finally sprung the first weeks topic shall be exactly that. Spring time in Alberta. Enjoy!

Ok, this photo isn`t here in Canada or from the season of spring but I figure its a nice picture none the less. A beautiful flower in the small Mexican town Miraflores.
Worret Photography